Monday, September 22, 2008

The bad mage and the bad hunter

I had our mage out yesterday. I am a bad mage. I'd love to be able to AoE, but I can't get the hang of it.

Anyway, I had the mage out, and we were out in that south east part of Ashenvale not dying while killing demons, when we saw a hunter who was even worse than my mage. Mid-30s, snake pet, meleeing. He'd shoot, then wait for the demon and start hitting it with his axe while the snake sort of helped by spitting at it.

Arggh! So still remembering the last hunter I helped, I whisper that I could give some hunter pointer since "main is a level 70 hunter."

The player was receptive.

Step one, send in the pet. Then wait a few seconds. Then shoot.

He does it, but the snake isn't holding aggro. Hmmm? "Do you have 'growl' trained up?"

"No, it's a snake."

"Doesn't matter. All pets can learn growl. It's how they hold aggro."

"I just tamed it."

"Doesn't matter. Growl is free. All pets can learn it right away."

Bam. Bam. Bam. I guess that was Growl being trained.

So we try again. And again. And again. Stupid snake couldn't hold aggro if it's life depended on it. Which it didn't because Mr. Huntard kept meleeing.

He was trying, though. He even dropped a trap, stepped back and broke the trap with an auto shot. I'm sitting there banging my head on the keyboard.

Being a mage sucks when you are trying to help someone learn how to play a hunter.

I think the snake was from Wailing Caverns and was probably about 12-15 levels lower the hunter. So he was trying to level it up, which didn't help.

In the end I gave up. I told him he was doing much better and that he should go to ... wait for it ... and watch his movies.

Now if only there was a BRK for mages.

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