Theothana is the lead hunter at 60 on Kilrogg. Beastmaster Tauren who works with cats. She's got King Bangalash from Stranglethorn, and a beautiful white Frostsaber Stalker from Winterspring. Why two cats? Cuz I love 'em both.
Danishu got some love today and is now at 41. She's also BM, a troll on Kilrogg. She finished up quests in the Alterac Mountains and Arathi HIghlands while leveling up a Mistvale Gorilla from Stranglethorn. The boys named him "CrazyWildApe". It's from a song they made up about King Kong. He's up to 36, but I don't think we'll keep him. Her other pets are a cool boar from Razorfen Kraul, and Washte Pawne, the lovely red windserpent from the southern barrens.

Naattuu is an orc hunter on Dath Remar, zipping along through the Barrens. She's a level 18, soon to hit 19. At 16 she made an epic journey. After checking on the progress of Big Red Kitty's new hunter, BRKTestBed I decided that she should trade in her old Durotar boar with Charge 1 and Gore 2, for a newer model with Charge 2. So I checked on Petopia. Nothing in the Horde lands until Razorfen Kraul.
But I want it NOW. More checking and I found the perfect piggy — in Westfall. Great Goretusk, with Charge 2 and Gore 3. Had to have it.
Decision made, I ran Naattuu down to Rachet and caught the boat to Booty Bay.
Naattu picks up the story: "While in BB, I grabbed the flight plan, then headed out into the jungle. My little Durotar pig was amazing. Anything that aggroed me, she'd attack and hold while I ran out of combat. She's almost always died, but sometimes I get out of range before she expired. The thing is though, that she'd last long enough for me to get to safety against mobs twenty levels and more above her. I died once in Duskwood while being attacked while I was reviving her. And once crossing into Westfall. I had been flagged PvP at some point in Duskwood, probably when I sent the pig to attack and distract a NPC (no idea who or what level) while I ran by. I was on the bridge into Westfall, again rezzing the pig, when an Alliance mage or something took me down in two shots. I waited for said character to go on his merry way before picking up my corpse. Then I scouted around for the Great Goretusk. I needed a 16, but they were all 17s. I stayed by the farms along the river. Finally I found what I was looking for. I said farewell to the brave and selfless Durotar boar, who had given his life for mine so many times. Then I tamed the lovely new boar. "
Naattuu and her new best friend have moved into Stonetalon after a trip to Wailing Caverns. This was my first trip to WC since 2.3 when they downgraded all the mobs outside the instances from elites. What a difference.
My last two Hunter are a Blood Elf called Pennishu on Kilrogg. She's waiting in Silvermoon at level 13, and a male dwarf on Drenden called Nikabrik. He's at level 12 and just made it to Thelsamar.
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